Sunday, September 5, 2010

blip djs risk identity theft

Subject: about soundcloud on blip.
From: nervs 4real <>
Cc:, Scott McDonald <>

please advise.

i feel troubled.

i have written to and

a dj i met on soundcloud in germany we are collaborating :)

i tell him i became aware of soundcloud because  of

i warn him though, because i had broadcast from blip  to twitter.

my identity was meme-copied on twitter! i delete  2 years - start over)

then soundcloud's dj butterflycrash  joins

and 4 days later his identity copied.on twitter!

and again now there is a nervs on twitter too!

again --- it says Philippine and  tweets are locked.

there is something wrong happening here.

do you think because we blip a soundcloud this happens?

very scary but mostly just sad.

i will not use twitter nor blip if this continues.

in my opinion, blip and twitter  have a lot to learn from you.

wish us all luck!!



  1. hi nervs

    Your identity is nickname plus avatar ...
    Your nickname is a dictionary-word, but you can put your lucky-number or pincode after the word ...
    If the avatar is your creation, you can license it (creative-commons-BY will do !)
    In this case it becomes YOUR identity :-)
    You can see abuse also as a compliment.
    Please notice that here in france the anonymity on internet is a real discussion and problem for @NicolAsh ...

    Stay Zen; Make music and love and keep on yelling

  2. absolut! i wish i knew how to reply to you.

    changes were made fast. i will hide myself too.

    no need for ethnic profiling in Amerikkka to crawl up my ass.

    its very random whathappened - and I glad it did.
    It seemd as though from indieclick's sight they took off their Premium Partner list. i beleive i remember correctly. and their website emphasizes integrity. there is an abuse #indieclick now...

    sigh all that to wake up to and have blip give me a music propmoter permision.

    but its not going to happen. i'm on soundcloud. and the helpful people I appreciate them for payinh attention. double more for how fast they made it happen,,

    craetive commons is where i be

    i am weary and drained from this debacle.

    We are no ones mule.

    Now, I can finally delete blip.

    the bahstids.

    'nuff bout them. not worth my words.

    hope we meet again.
